Transition is learning about jungle animals and pets.
The class is having their approximation to this topic, that was reinforced strongly from homes and families.
They were learning from some stories and songs the names, sounds and actions of each animal.
After they have recognized the animals, they acted out the stories, singing the songs and playing the same games they’ve seen in the story. They played with a Jigsaw Puzzle, like the one Cookie and friends use to play.
In the process of these activities, they were learning personal values such as sharing objectives and working in teams to achieve them, synchronizing their games and positions around the class, working freely and with instructions, and so on…
They also materialised what they were learning by producing the animals.
SPIDERS: In this project they were using recycled materials such as elastics from facemasks
LIONS: they were reviewing about the parts of the face such as eyes, nose, mouth, hair…

CROCODILES: Reviewing some parts of the body, they used their fingers to paint the crocodile’s jaws.