The World Environment Day is an event that involves many activities, one as important as the other: ecologic concerts, essays, poster competitions in schools, tree plantations and recycling campaigns. It is celebrated since 1973 every 5th of June.
In the classroom we learned about the different ecosystems that there are in our country. We talked about the coastal ecosystem. The dunes are the support of the vegetation and wildlife, like lizards, birds, hares and ducks. In order to protect the dunes we can follow these tips: 1- Get to the beach by the enabled accesses to keep safe the plants that are growing. 2 -Don´t use motor vehicles in the dunes. 3- We also learned about the importance of not extracting sand, rolling stones or shells, because these actions can cause more erosion. The dunes are a treasure for our coastal ecosystem.
Candelaria: That people should become aware of taking care of the environment. Don´t throw waste to the rivers.
Giuliana: Don´t throw plastic waste to the sea, streets or public places. Don´t waste water, food or natural resources. Take care of the endangered species.
Lucia: To prevent and stop damage to nature, because we depend on it for our existence.
Joaquín: To must take care of the environment every day of the year, not only the 5th of June. Recycle, reuse and reduce are some ways to take care of it.
Leandro: Don´t throw materials that we can recycle, in that way we can keep our environment clean.
Ainara: Plants help us to breath because they give us oxygen. Don´t leave more than footprints and don´t take more than photos!